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„Die Qualität des Seminars war sehr gut, und ich hatte viel Freude!“


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„Das ist ja ein wirklich flott gemachter Clip, der sehr animiert und motiviert. Klasse!“

Michael Hirz, Programmgeschäftsführer PHOENIX (WDR)


Stimmen eines 2-tages Creative Thinking-Seminars bei der Puma AG (2013)

“It was very good that the participants were from the same division and that the workshop could be directly linked to work related issues.”

“The creativity workshop with Karla Schlaepfer was an excellent opportunity to openly discuss challenges of our daily work and jointly find creative solutions.”

“I had lots of fun and this course gave me the opportunity to discover creativity newly and also to see my colleagues from a different point of view.”


Rheinische Post – IHK-Workshop: Wie klüngeln denn Männer und Frauen

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“Karla Schlaepfer provides a highly professional and efficient English language coaching. She offers far more than just English executive training – she puts a lot of effort into providing background information and adjusting the curriculum in the most appropriate way to support the interests and needs of her clients. Through this individual approach Karla, has helped me very effectively to prepare for several scientific presentations and panel discussions held at international conferences.”

Dagmar Wiebusch, executive managing director at IZMF (Informationszentrum Mobilfunk)

“I would like to thank you again for the Confident Presentation training. It is a very well-structured and individualized customized training, which offers a theoretical background on the art of presentation with lots of room to practice. With this training program, I improved a lot in effective opening and interaction with audience.”

Dr. Ing. Chen Jin, Bayer Material Science

„Das individuelle und professionelle Englisch Coaching von Frau Karla Schlaepfer-Karst hat es mir in kürzester Zeit ermöglicht meine Academic Writing Skills, für mein MBA Studium, sehr erfolgreich (Note: A)weiter auszubauen und zu festigen. Frau Schlaepfer-Karst versteht es individuell auf Kundenwünsche einzugehen und vermittelt neben der Theorie auch viele interessante Ansätze zu den Themen Lernen, kreatives Denken und Konzentration.“

Michael Imiolczyk, Abteilungsleiter, IP Anwendungsentwicklung